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  • 公司邮箱:xuehua0530@163.com
  • 成立时间:1999-11-01
  • 注册资金:280万元人民币
  • 联系电话:13872119231
  • 官网网址:www.can-goldlink.com
  • 公司地址:北京市朝阳区光华路22号4层510


{xunruicms_img_title}首先美加金联移民留学集团 诚聘精英美加金联移民留学集团 于 1992 年成立于加拿大温哥华市,是美国上市企业 ASANTE 、 GOLDLINK 集团公司的子公司, ASANTE 、 GOLDLINK 集团公司 1988 年创立于美国, 1994 年成功上市, 2003 年集团公司营业收入达到 38 亿美元。美加金联移民留学集团是加拿大移民律师公会成员、澳大利亚注册移民代理,在加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、美国等国的政府机构中享有极高声誉。金联公司还是公安部、教育部认定的双资质权威移民留学机构,同时美加金联移民留学集团还是加拿大移民顾问协会会员、北京市因私出入境行业协会监事单位、加中贸易理事会成员、移民留学行业唯一通过 ISO9001 国际质量体系认证机构,及 06 、 07 连续两年十佳诚信留学机构、最具影响力出国留学服务机构、留学服务示范单位等。十几年来,美加金联移民留学集团在世界各地开展业务以来已成功地帮助数以万计的家庭实现了出国移民留学。在与各国政府驻华使馆的长期合作中,美加金联移民留学集团以其诚实、专业、信用、周到的服务,取得了有关国家驻华使领馆的高度信任。美加金联移民留学集团真诚期等每一位热情的你加盟,我们特为你提供:• 有竟争力的薪资• 完善的福利等遇• 广阔的发展空间• 最方便的交通Beijing Goldlink Go-abroad Consulting Co., Ltd.Incorporated in 1992 in Vancouver , Canada , Beijing Goldlink Go-abroad Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Goldlink) is a subordinate of ASANTE GOLDLINK, a USA based company that was created in 1988 and listed in 1994. In 2003, the operating revenue of the group reached 3.8 billion dollars.Enjoying high reputation among the related governmental agencies of Canada , Australia , New Zealand and USA , Goldlink is a member of Canadian Council of Lawyers and a Registered Migration Agent with Australian governing authority. As a leading company, Goldlink also obtained the permits from Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China for emigration and overseas study consulting business.Our company is also a member of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC), the supervisory unit for Beijing Association of Private Entry and Exit Service Intermediaries, and member of Canadian China Business Council . As the sole company verified by ISO 9001 inside the migration and overseas study service industry, the company won the titles of Top Ten Credit Honoring Overseas Study Consulting Company for two successive years from 2006 and 2007, the Most Influential Migration and Overseas Study Service Agency, Exemplary Unit for Overseas Study Services, etc.Over the past ten plus years, Goldlink has presence across the world and successfully helped dozens of thousands of families in making their dreams to study overseas or to emigrate a reality. During the long term cooperation with embassies of various countries in China , Goldlink, on the strength of considerate service featuring honesty, professionalism and credit honoring, is well recognized by these embassies.Goldlink welcomes talents with strong passion and enthusiasm to join us, and we will provide you with:• Competitive salary• Well designed welfare package• Broad development space• The most convenient and accessible working place (near Beijing Railway Station)

